Upon arrival in Rome we always like to get our bearings by taking a walking tour of Rome hitting the main points of interest in the centro storico. If you are looking for a
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WebVisionItaly's walking maps of Rome below. WebVisionItaly's Google walking maps of Rome may be toggled so that you may print one Rome walking map with Rome's restaurants and trattoria, shopping in Rome, and Bernini walking tour Rome map.
Of course, walking Rome is not new. The passeggiata, the evening stroll, is as old as Rome itself. An Italian social ritual like penguins on parade, la passeggiata is the art of taking a walk in the evening.
When going to Rome, bring band-aids and VERY comfortable shoes. Or rent a motorino!
Via Arenula to Campo De' Fiori
Starting at Largo Argentina, the bus stop in Rome's centro storico, on Vittorio Emanuele and Via Arenula, we walk south to the little park on the west side of the street. There we take right, going west down Via dei Giubbonari, to Campo de' Fiori.
Rome Map: Via Arenula and Via del Falegnami to Campo de' Fiori.

This walk takes about 7 minutes or all afternoon depending on the pace.
Campo de' Fiori to Piazza Farnese to Michelangelo Arch Via Giulia
From Campo de’Fiori to Piazza Farnese is one minute, with a walk down to Via Giulia and Michelangelo’s Arch about 5 minutes.
Rome Map: Campo de' Fiori to Piazza Farnese, Via Giulia and Michelangelo's Arch:
Via Giulia to Vatican
From this point walking on Via Giulia to the Vatican walking west, across Ponte Vittorio Emanuele takes about 25 minutes.
Rome Map: Via Giulia Michelangelo's Arch to Vatican City St Peter's Square:
Campo de' Fiori to Piazza Navona
Exit Campo de'Fiori walking west on Via dei Cappellari for the longer route to Via del Governo Vecchio and Piazza Navona, 10 minutes.
Rome Map: Campo de' Fiori to Piazza Navona:
or exit Campo de’ Fiori north west side to Via di Pasquino for quicker route to Piazza Navona and Via del Governo Vecchio, 4 minutes walking by foot.
Rome Map: Campo de' Fiori to Via di Pasquino and Piazza Navona:
On Via del Governo Vecchio you’ll find caffes etc For dinner I would eat like a Roman with Romans going off Governo Vecchio north on Via del Corallo to Piazza Fico for dinner at
Da Francesco trattoria. Another good one off Governo Vecchio north on Via di Parione is Cucina Romana Virginiae.
Either way you go from Campo de' Fiori to Piazza Navona, cross Vittorio Emanuele II, which to the west brings you to Vatican in 25 minutes by foot.
Rome Map: Largo Argentina to Vatican City, St. Peter's Square and Basilica:
From Piazza Fico and Via Corallo we stroll toward Via della Pace and Via Parione for a drink with the hipsters at Caffe della Pace, or continuing straight into the Piazza Navona on Via de Tor Millina
Rome Map: Piazza Fico and Via della Pace to Piazza Navona to Pantheon:
Exit Piazza Navona opposite side on Corsia Agonale – cross the main street there Rinasciemento, take left, then first right – Via del Salvatore – walk straight and then you are in for the treat of your life when you see the greatest of Roman buildings, Brunelleschi’s inspiration for Il Dumo in Firenze, the Pantheon at night.
Rome Map: Piazza Navona to Pantheon:
Pantheon to Largo Argentina
If you stand in square, looking at Pantheon, the street to the right of Pantheon, running parallel – follow that straight, crossing Vittorio Emanuele, you will find the starting point due south. (5 minutes)
Rome Map: Pantheon to Vittorio Emanuele, Largo Argentina, and Ghetto neighborhood:
To the left of Pantheon is Santa Maria Minerva, in front is Bernini-designed elephant with an Egyptian obelisk on top - Pulcino della Monerva, an ancient and baroque mix. The Latin inscription on the base, chosen by the pope who commissioned the sculpture to support the obelisk found on the site, Alexander VII, says "...a strong mind is needed to support a solid knowledge".
Pantheon to Spanish Steps
If you still have legs, go opposite direction toward Campo Marzo, then on to Piazza San Lorenzo, and on to Via dei Condotti (15 minutes). There a few good gelato shops along the route, plenty of nice boutiques and a real pleasant walk.
Rome Map: Pantheon to Campo Marzo and Piazza San Lorenzo:
When you get to Via Condotti, take right to Spanish Steps. Walk down Rome’s high fashion runway to Piazza Spagna. (7 minutes)
Rome Map: Campo Marzo and Pantheon to Piazza Spagna (Spanish Steps):
From Spanish Steps to the left is Piazza Popolo, where among other sites is a wonderful Leonardo Da Vinci exhibit
Rome Map: Piazza Spagna to Piazza Popolo:
Via Margutta, well known for its art galleries, very high end fashion and from the film Roman Holiday, is a very pretty street for a stroll on the way to Piazza Popolo from Piazza Spagna (4 minutes). You'll find art studios above galleries, boutique fashion stores, and modern Roman restaurants.
Rome Map: Via Margutta:
Great spot for lunch opposite direction from Spanish Steps is Settimio all’Arancio on Via Arancio. After lunch cross Tiber on Ponte Cavour, where you are 10 minutes from Castel Sant'Angelo and 20 minutes from Vatican.
From Spanish steps we walk toward Trevi Fountain (Fontana Trevi) by winding our way through the streets.
Rome Map: Piazza Spagna (Spanish Steps) to Trevi Fountain. (10 minutes
Exit Trevi on Via de Crociferi, or Via della Muratte if you like street markets, to the Via del Corso, taking right then left into Piazza Colonna –The Column of Marcus Aurelius, a Doric column with a spiral relief, built in honor of Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius and modeled on Trajan's Column. Built in 200, it still stands on its original site, the heart of Rome in front of Palazzo Chigi – one of our favorites. (5 minutes).
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Labels: map of Rome, rome centro storico map, Rome centro storico walking tour, Rome map, Rome walking map